Our Mission
To exalt the name of Jesus Christ and expand His kingdom through film.
ROCA Production Films was founded in 2014 based on the premise of Ecclesiastes 4:12.
“A cord of three strands is not easily broken.”
Alfred wanted to create a company name symbolizing the union to his wife, Diana, and the Lord Jesus
The first two letters of Diana’s maiden name is RO (for Rojas).
The first two letters of his last name is CA (for Castillo)
Psalm 31:3 states that “He (Jesus Christ) is my ROCK (ROCA in Spanish) and my fortress...you lead me
and guide me.”
ROCA Production Films was established as a reminder of Jesus’ words in Matthew 16:18.
“...on this ROCK (Jesus Christ), He will build His Church,” His Kingdom, and His Film Production Company!